Earn 20% Commissions on The Customer Factor Software For Service Businesses...


From the Desk of Steve Wright

Tuesday, 8:28am

Dear Future Affiliate:

Since 2004, I have been offering The Customer Factor software for sale to service business owners in the United States, UK, Australia, and many other locations across the Nation. And as members began to benefit and really see results from the software, I started getting emails and phone calls asking if I had an affiliate program available where they could make money from sharing news about the software with other small business owners. Until recently, we did not. But now we do!

So after over 7 years on the market, more than 236 software updates (and counting), and hundreds of satisfied members, it's time for other people to cash in!

Simply by sharing your own unique affiliate link (which we assign you) to your web/forum visitors, contacts, or anyone you know who might be interested in benefiting from using a quality software product in their business, you'll be able to earn commissions.

Here are 7 Reasons why you should sign up as an affiliate and promote The Customer Factor:

  • The Customer Factor has been created by a former window cleaner. I'm not a software developer who just thought this software up off the top of my head. So what this means is that I have inside knowledge on what kind of features window cleaners need in their software to see maximum benefits which ultimately means that you'll make more sales.

  • Generous commissions - We pay 20% commissions on each $24.95 monthly/$67.36 quarterly sale. Now obviously you're not going to get rich here, but it's income that comes in month after month after month on each member who purchases The Customer Factor from your affiliate link. A great way to look at it is that you could easily end up enjoying your own membership to The Customer Factor for free plus make extra profits each and every month for doing nothing. Not too shabby for simply sharing your unique affiliate link. 

  • All Promotional Tools provided - We're currently working on creating additional banners, but we do currently have a few banners and a number of text links that you can use. If you have a request for a specific banner or advertisement, just let me know. Plus we'll provide you with instructions and advice on how best to use them so you can make sales!

  • All Sales and Affiliate Commissions are reliably tracked - This is a biggie. My background is sales. I know how important tracking is to anyone earning commissions. When you make a sale, you want to know it's been credited to you. So we'll give you a special login url where you can see what kind of activity your promotional efforts are resulting in.

  • 365 Day Cookie - When looking at selling a product as an affiliate, it's important to look at the length of the cookie. What this means is that if a prospective customer were to look at The Customer Factor today and not buy, no problem. Because if he/she comes back next month, in two months, in 6 months, or any day up to 365 days after their initial visit, you'll still get credit for the sale. Pretty cool, huh? Some times it takes people a while to make a decision. So don't worry about losing a sale if they don't buy right away.

  • Regular Commission Payments - We pay via paypal within 24 to 48 hours after we receive payment from the person you referred. And keep in mind this occurs each time the person you referred makes payment. When signing up as an affiliate below, choose the paypal option and we'll take care of the rest.  

And last but certainly not least...

  • I stand behind my product - How many software companies can you call on the fly with questions, comments, or suggestions? Normally it's like going to the Dentist...oh so painful. So I make myself available 7 days per week via our email and support ticket system. And we're here by phone (256-546-2446) monday through friday. So when it comes to support, we have you covered. And keep in mind that growing The Customer Factor is the norm around here. What does this mean to you? It means that if you share the benefits of The Customer Factor to other service business owners on the 'net or in your local area, you can rest assured that they'll be pleased as punch with their membership. 

So...if you want to be a part of an awesome opportunity, here you go:

Affiliate Registration

>>>Click Here to Register as an Affiliate<<<

Upon registration, you will receive an initial email asking you to verify your registration. As soon as you click on the verification link, you'll then be able to login and grab your unique affiliate url and grab some promotional tools to use. Easy Breezy. But if you have any questions, just give me a ring at 256-546-2446. And make sure to keep your login info. handy so that you can check in and monitor your sales.

So click the link above right away. And congratulations in advance for signing up! I look forward to sending you affiliate commissions.


Steve Wright



P.S. Another reason why I decided to implement an affiliate program for The Customer Factor is that I'm only one person. And we have big, big plans for The Customer Factor in terms of growth and new features. This takes an investment in personnel. Although we have been growing steadily with new members since we launched in 2004, by opening up an affiliate program, it'll provide a growth spurt of new members and sales which means that more dollars can be invested in new features and benefits. It's your software. And I want it to be the best software on the market for your business.




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