Video Training: Tutorials & Transcripts

The Videos below are packed full of information so that you'll be able to take The Customer Factor and use it to its fullest extent in benefiting your service business. All you need to do to view the videos is click on the desired link. If you have problems viewing the videos, then you'll need to download a free video program here.

Please make that sure you visit this "Video Training" webpage regularly because as new features are introduced to The Customer Factor, we add and/or update the training videos below. 

Introduction (6:45) - This introductory video gives you a brief overview of The Customer Factor, and shows you how to change your page settings and discusses disabling your popup blockers so you can print invoices from within The Customer Factor. 


Home (6:05) - This Video discusses the quick summary information that displays on the home screen such as the # of customers and prospects needing to be contacted, unpaid invoice details, sales figures, and more, including an important "Alert" feature..


My Account (5:20) - On the "My Account" screen, you can edit password settings, insert your company information, and backup your data within The Customer Factor. This video gives you the details and also shows you a nifty little feature concerning data backup that really makes the process fast and easy. Plus we talk briefly about logging in.   


Calendars-Part 1 (10:22) - The Calendar screens are actually 2 calendars in one so we've split the calendar training into 2 parts. Part 1 discusses the "Already Scheduled" Monthly, Weekly, and Daily appointments. The appointments are color coded, you have many different "views" of the calendars, and you can print your calendars in pdf format (with or w/o job pricing showing). And you'll see a very efficient way to handle printing invoices for your customers from the Daily calendar. 


Calendars-Part 2 (7:57) - This Video is all about your "To Be Scheduled" customers. This is an outstanding feature that allows you to easily track and follow up with all of your customers needing to be scheduled again for repeat appointments. One click and they all display. Simple. But watch the video for ways to really capitalize on this feature.  


Adding Prospects (4:14) - Here is where we'll talk about adding prospects and what options are available to you when adding prospects to The Customer Factor.


Prospect Search/Search Results (7:25) - There are numerous ways to search for your prospects. We talk about them in this video including what to do on the search results screen after you've searched for them. Plus you'll see how easy it is to set callback dates and schedule jobs for prospects from the callback window. 


Prospect Search Results/Profile (6:38) - This video will show you the different things you can do on the Prospect Search Results screen including opening up the prospect callback screens so you can easily schedule jobs. In addition we'll look at a prospect profile screen.


Adding Customers (7:14) - Let's add some customers to The Customer Factor.


Customer Profile (11:51) - In this video, we'll look at the customer profile screen. You can set up additional job locations and set the customer's frequency period from this screen. Plus we'll check out the "Current job(s)", "Schedule Job(s)", "Job history" sections, create an invoice directly from the profile screen, and archive a customer.


Recurring Customers (12:43) - We'll look at scheduling jobs for customers that are "recurring". Recurring jobs are jobs that you might do on a regular basis like "Every Monday", "Quarterly on the third Tuesday of the month", etc. etc.


Recurring Periods/Jobs Overlap (8:15) - You are able to schedule an unlimited number of recurring periods/jobs for a customer within the software, but they might overlap. Ex: Maybe a customer wants a "window cleaning inside/outside" annually and a "window cleaning outside only" every 6 months. These two jobs will overlap/conflict on the calendars. This video explains how to avoid this.


Customer Searching (8:07) - There are numerous ways to search for customers. This video gives you the inside scoop.


Customer Search Results/Callbacks (15:44) - Here we'll look at the customer search results screen and how to work in the callback window. You'll see the various options available to you in the callback window like setting callback dates, scheduling jobs, and more. This is a must-see video.

(Important Note: The Videos below are being redeveloped as we speak to reflect the new "look" of The Customer Factor including the new functionality. We appreciate your patience. Thank you.)

Video 8 - Here is where we'll look at everything to do with invoices...creating them, editing them, printing them, and searching for them using a number of different search criteria.


Video 9 - It's time to get into expenses. So we'll spend time here talking about how to add your expenses to The Customer Factor. In addition, we show you how to search for them so you can make edits or to print 'em.


Video 10 - This video is all about your  reports-Sales, P&L, Income Forecast, and Taxes. You'll see how you can quickly search for any report using a variety of search criteria.

If a feature is introduced to The Customer Factor, instead of always updating the training videos above, we'll add the video to this section.

Send Out Cards exporting (11:09) - This video will show you the ins and outs of a feature that allows you to easily export customers and/or prospects from The Customer Factor and then import them into Send Out Cards, an efficient and powerful relationship building and referral marketing system.   


Invoice Format/Customization - In this video, we show you how to set the format of your customer invoices. The default format is a basic invoice with company, customer, and job details. But you can elect to customize your invoices with a company logo, your own message text/wording, and more. 



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