
Customer and Prospect ID Searches

Here is another search feature in

When you add a prospect or customer to The Customer Factor, they are assigned a unique id. Some users like to use these numbers to keep track of their prospects or customers.

We populated the respective prospect and customer profile screens with these unique id numbers recently and today we introduced a search feature that makes these id numbers searchable.

So if you look on the search screens in both the prospect and customer search areas you’ll see an ID search. Here’s a screenshot for the ID search on the customer search screen:

cust search pic 1

Simply click the radio button in front of this search option and insert whatever id number you want to search for:

cust search pic 2 final

By the way, as you see above you can search for multiple id numbers. Just put a comma between each number.

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Keep in mind that you can do multiple searches for any information that you stick into a search field box. For example, maybe you want to search for all customers in the city of Murphy, Aabotville, and Benton so that you can send them an email or or print/send ’em a personalized letter letting them know you’re going to be in their city next week.

So in this example you just insert this into the city search field: Murphy, Aabotville, Benton

As mentioned, you can do this for lots of other searches also such as last names, first names, company names, streets, cities, states, zips, etc. etc.

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So here are the results to the above customer ids being search for:

cust search pic 3

And that’s all there is to it. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Best Regards,
