
Some Ideas And Tips On Using Our New Email Feature

With our recently introduced email feature, we wanted to provide you a few tips so that you can get the most benefit from it. I provided a few ideas in an earlier post, but let’s look at ’em closer.

We introduced two new customers searches “jobs scheduled tomorrow” and jobs scheduled in 2 days”. So all you have to do is visit the customer search screen, do a “tomorrow” or “2 day” search and send whoever displays on the search results screen an appointment reminder email.

Staying in touch with your customers regularly is important. It helps keep your name and company name in front of them at all times. So how about sending ’em a newsletter? I’m not talking about something you spend hours or lots of money to create. All it takes is a little time. Just make notes throughout the month of what’s happening in your town. Then write up a few paragraphs about it in a simple word doc. Just one or two pages. Don’t make it too salesy although you should certainly have some wording at top such as “Brought to you by (insert company name and web address here) at the top of each page.

Then convert it into a pdf, search for “all” customers in your account, attach the pdf to an email, and send it off. It’s a wise investment of your time for sure.

If you need to drum up business during a slow period, send your customers an email with a limited time $25 off special or whatever other amount suits your business. I personally would send 3 to 4 emails over a 10 day to 2 week period letting them know that until such and such a day, you’re offering all of your valued customers $25 off on their next (insert service) service. But you must be contacted prior to the expiration date.

Send ’em the first email and then 3 days later send them another one. 4 days after that send ’em another one. And then 2 days prior to your expiration date, send them a final email. In the email mention the fact that this special is only good until (your expiration date) so it’s important they call right away. Multiple emails like this carry much more weight than a single email broadcast.

Anytime you bring on a new service into your business, send all your customers an email about it. Doesn’t matter how big or how small. If you start doing something else in your business, let ’em know about it. Sure…you’ll more than likely end up getting calls for that new service, but the other purpose of the email is it just keeps your name in front of your customers. As mentioned earlier, this is definitely a plus.

One of the customer email templates we provided you is a “How are you doing?” email. The whole purpose of this email is to just drop in and ask how they’re doing, but also at the same time to once again keep your name in front of your customers.

I’m sure you can think of lots of other uses on how you can use this email feature. And don’t forget that there are literally dozens and dozens of different prospect and customer searches you can do on the search screens. After you do your search, send whoever is on the results screen a quick email.

For example, maybe you want to search for two cities in the city search because you’re going to be in those cities next week. So you insert “gadsden, birmingham” into the city field boxes and click “search”. All the customers you’ve done work for in gadsden and birmingham will display on the search results screen. You can then shoot them an email letting them know you’re going to be in their area “next week” and ask them to call you if they want to be placed on your schedule.

I mean there are literally soooooo many uses for this email feature. So have fun with it.

Best Regards,
