
“Back To The Top” Links

From within the customer profile screen, you can now click a “Back to the top” link from within any of the gray heading areas for any of the sections to get back to the top of the screen. It used to be that you could only click on the “Jump To” links at the top right to navigate to your desired section in the customer profile screen as shown below:

Jump To links

But there was really no way to go back up the screen unless you scrolled up. So now you can do this:

Top of screen in the customer factor

And again, each section on the customer profile screen has this “Back to the top” link in the gray area as shown above. This includes the “schedule jobs” section, “current jobs” section, “recurring jobs” section (if any), “personalization” section, and the “job history” section. So now you’ll be able to navigate more easily on the profile screen w/o too much scrolling.



Update: These “Back to the top” links have now been included on the prospect profile screen also. So within each gray heading area for each section on this screen, you’ll see a “Back to the top” link.

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