
New Customer Search: “When” Job Appointments Are Made

When logged into your account, you can now search to see how many customers were scheduled in a particular period. It has nothing to do with what date the customer appt. may have been scheduled for. That’s irrelevant when it comes to this search. This search is all about “when” the appointments were made.

The search is the last search in the “Look For” category on the customer search screen:

number of jobs scheduled

When you click the radio button to select this search, an area will open up providing you some specific periods (today, yesterday, this week, etc.) that you can choose to see how many appointments were made in the specific period you chose:

number of jobs scheduled 2

As a closing note, not all members are aware of all the different searches you can do, so I’d recommend that you take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the prospect and customer search screens. And if there is a search not available that you need, please let us know know about it. Have a great day!

