Daily Calendar Revisions
We rearranged and added a few new things to the daily calendar here at http://www.thecustomerfactor.com Let’s start off with a screenshot of the daily calendar:
1. The job location has been moved to allow it to appear in it’s entirety on the daily calendar. Keep in mind that the job location information only appears if the prospect/customer actually has an additional job location added to their account.
In other words, if they only have one address assigned to them, then there is no “job location” information that appears since it’s assumed the appt. being scheduled will be at the main address.
2. If you insert any additional details for an appointment that you schedule, they’ll appear here.
3. If the customer has a previous balance with you, you’ll see this amount here.
4. You’ve always been able to see a daily job total, but we added a daily estimate total so that you can see the total amount of estimates for the day.
5. You can see the payment status of the invoice that’s created. If you want to mark it as paid, all you have to do is click the “unpaid” link to open up the payment window.
6. The “today” and “total owed” amounts are self explanatory, but it’s additional information that hasn’t been on the daily calendar until now.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Have a great day.
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