
On Hold Jobs Area on Calendar

Over the weekend we uploaded a new “on hold” jobs area to the monthly calendar in

Here is a screenshot of where it is:

So what you can do is drag any date on the calendar to the on hold area and drop it. Maybe a customer calls and wants to cancel and maybe reschedule later on at some point, but they don’t know when. This is what this area is created for.

You’ll also see (S) and (C) links to the right of each customer in the on hold area. Here’s another screenshot showing you a close up of this:

If you run your mouse over an (S) link a tooltip will open that says: Schedule on hold job/first attempt. If you run your mouse over the (C) link a tooltip will open that says: Schedule on hold job/Been contacted previously.

So basically clicking either of these links will open up a callback window that’s been modified (from our regular callback windows) to display the on hold jobs where you can call the customer back or schedule the on hold job. If you open up the (S) link to open up callback window and call customer back to see if you can reschedule the job, but they’re not quite ready yet, then you can insert a callback date. The “on hold” job will stay in the on hold area and the (S) will turn to a (C) which gives you an indication that you’ve already called them at least once in relation to the on hold job(s).

Keep in mind though that not only can you schedule an on hold job from within the callback window you can also just drag it from the on hold area to your desired date on the calendar and drop it in.

In conjunction with this new “on hold” feature, we’ve added a “no date” option when scheduling customer appointments. So if you are scheduling a job for a customer from let’s say the profile screen, here’s what you’ll see:

So this allows you to schedule jobs for customers with no date which will put the job immediately into the on hold area on monthly calendar screen. Most of you will schedule jobs with definite dates like you have been, but on occasion maybe a customer might want to schedule a job, but they’re not 100% sure what date to go with. You can schedule it as a “no date” job which puts the job in the “on hold” area on calendar and then you can just drag and drop it to whatever date the customer decides on.

Note: All on hold jobs also display in the currently scheduled jobs area as “on hold” as shown in the screenshot below. So you can edit them just like a regular job and insert a date to schedule them, change assignment info, etc. etc.:

Update: Based on user feedback, we’ve made the on hold area on monthly calendar collapsible where you can now close it if you want to. So here’s a screenshot of the area open:

If you want to close this area, you’ll see a “Close” link at top right. Simply click that and you’ll close the “on hold” area which will make it look like this:

If you have any feedback to provide on this feature or any questions, please let us know.

Best Regards,
