What Are Dynamic Results And What’s The Advantage?
Our recent feature release changed the way customer jobs are displayed on the search results screen, so this blog post talks about that and what the advantages are to you.
We used to simply have the 4 most recent jobs that were completed for a customer display on the search results screen regardless of the type of search you did. So you could do a search by customer last name and see the 4 most recent jobs or you could do a search looking for customers “due to be scheduled” and you would see the same 4 most recent jobs.
The problem though is that if you did a search looking for customers “due to be scheduled” and 4 of their most recent jobs displayed, how did you really know by looking at the screen which job was really “due to be scheduled”? There really was no way to know.
So what we did was change the job results that show on the search results screen to “dynamic” results which means that the software will retrieve only the job data that actually applies and show these results in the “due to be scheduled” area. This allows you to know exactly which job(s) the customer needs to be contacted about.
However we also do provide an “add’l previously completed job(s)” area that does show 4 of the most recent jobs, so this does give you the opportunity to reference both the actual “due to be scheduled” job(s) and the 4 most recent jobs if you need to.
Let’s look at an example:
First, I’m going to click on the following link shown in this screenshot so that I can see which customers tentatively have jobs scheduled now:
This brings us to the search results screen showing 27 customers who have tentatively scheduled jobs:
1. The “Due To Be Scheduled” area shows you the job(s) that specifically applies to your “tentatively due now” search. So when you contact the customer, as mentioned above, you’ll know exactly what job is due to be scheduled.
2. However if you need to reference other “previous” jobs that are not “due to be scheduled”, then you can do see this info. in the “add’l previously completed job(s)” area.
So that’s how dynamic results work.
And as a side note, when you open up the callback window (click on customer’s phone number link), you’ll also see the same information (“due to be scheduled” and “add’l previously completed job(s)”) located within this window.
A quick final note…
When you do normal customer searches such as last name searches, address searches, marketing method searches, archived searches, email searches, etc. etc. the search results screen will show you only “Previously Completed Job(s)”. No “due be scheduled” jobs apply as a result of these kinds of searches, so therefore no “due to be scheduled” jobs will show on the search results screens.