New Report Searches for Sales, Expenses, and Sales Tax
Here at we’re always introducing new report searches based on user feedback and some of the ones we introduced recently involve the ability to search for sales based on the customer recurring period/frequency period and also the ability to search for expenses by specific subcontractor.
If you choose one of these main options, an area will open up where you can then choose what specific suboption(s) you want to search for:
These types of searches are helpful if you want to dig deeper into your sales numbers. For example maybe you want to see how much money you made last month for just your monthly recurring customers. Or maybe you’re interested in doing a sales comparison between your monthly and your quarterly recurring customers for last year. You can now do that.
Frequency period sales searches operate the same way.
Subcontractor Expense Search
If you look at the expenses report search, you’ll now see a by subcontractor option available:
Prior to this search being introduced, it was necessary to run a general expense report and then dig through the expense results to find what you paid your subs. So now you can do a specific search by individual subs and get just those results on a screen where you can then print them.
Tax Results
We made a few modifications to the way tax results appear. What appears on the tax results screen is dependent on how you collect taxes. For example, do you collect sales tax based on the county your customer is in?
Check out the above report searches at your convenience. Many more reports to come! Have a great day.
Best Regards,