Schedule Jobs and Set Default Assignments
Here is the feature in that will allow you to set a default assignment for any job you schedule for a customer. So if you have customers getting serviced by the same employees/crews over and over again, you can set default assignments for those customers.
Let’s take a look at a regular scheduling area in a customer profile screen:
Pls note the “Assigned To” heading/column at the far right. We’re now going to proceed to schedule a job for the customer and assign a couple of employees to the job, so pls look at this screenshot:
First, a small sidenote…you can assign up to 7 employees and/or crews per job. You’ll see the small “+” which has been circled to the right of the first “Assigned to” dropdown. Simply click that to open up additional assignment dropdowns where you can add additional employees/crews.
The main thing to point out in the above screenshot is the “Make Default Assignment” option which now displays under the “Assigned To” column. As soon as we set the assignment information (, this “Make Default Assignment” option displays giving us the ability to make our choice(s) the default assignment. As mentioned above, you would want to do this if the same employees/crew will service the customer over and over again.
So…the job has been scheduled and the default assignment has been set. Let’s look at this next screenshot to see what we did:
The above screenshot shows a scheduling area for this customer after we previously made 2 employees the default assignment when we scheduled a job for the customer. You’ll now see how the employees display by default in the “Assigned to” dropdowns. So it’s one less choice you have to make when scheduling.
Pls note that you are not locked into this default assignment information. Maybe another employee or crew is being assigned to the next job you’re scheduling for the customer. In the next screenshot you’ll see how you can easily change it:
Let’s say that Patty Bingo will be on vacation when scheduling the customer on Oct 31 as shown above, so i inserted employee Barry Smith as you can see in the “Assigned to” dropdowns on the right. As soon as we do that we’re given the option to “Reset Default Assignment”. So we can reset the default assignment and make Barry Smith the new default assignment for this customer or we can just leave this “reset” option unchecked and Barry Smithy will only be assigned to the job we’re scheduling for oct 31. The default assignment however, will stay as Patty Bingo for any other jobs scheduled for customer.
As always, if you have any questions, pls let us know.
P.S. It’s recommended that you also review the announcements area when you’re logged into your account ( ). Some of the smaller mods/features that we do are not discussed in this “Update Center”. They’re only mentioned in the announcements area. Plus you can read about new features that are coming up!